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Beware of the Insurer

Insurance companies have unlimited resources to investigate and deny claims. Insurance companies are friendly when they want to sign you up and obtain premiums, but often have a different response
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Lynn Law team

Hire the Lynn Law Firm to Represent You

If you are in an insurance coverage dispute with your insurer you need a highly skilled, experienced, forceful, and respected insurance coverage litigation law firm to represent your interests.  The
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Broken and Frozen Pipes – Water Damage

Damage to your property caused by a broken or frozen pipe is often covered under an insurance policy.  Water is an insidious force that can cause damage to homes and
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Storm Landscape

Storm Damage

If your property has been damaged due a to a storm you may be entitled to make an insurance claim for the damage.  Wind, rain, snow, tornados, hurricanes and many
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Cash and change on a counter top

Acronyms Mean Money

Do you know how much your property is insured for? Most of us do not know the answer off the top of our heads, but we probably think we know
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A house with a white picket fence in fall

A Question of Residence

If you have homeowner’s insurance in New York, your insurance policy likely has language providing that the home be a “residence premises” of the insured. In recent years, insurance companies
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Your Obligations as an Insured

Policyholders are often surprised to learn that their insurance policy imposes certain obligations on them, not just on the insurance company. It is important to consult your policy (and an
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American flag in a field

Your Rights as an Insured

You have the right to a fair adjustment of the claim based on the terms of your policy. You have the right to a timely investigation of your claim. There
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